Toxik & lilKrake - Wait a Minute | 等一下 Track. 04
(CC English w/ Translation / 中英雙向翻譯字幕)
《4loating Dream》 Stream/Download (數位線上聽) :
Thinking about my past mistakes, afraid that I'll fuck up the same way.
Never said I'm ready, wait a minute.
Follow EVERYTHING ON @lilkrake / @toxicityishigh / @banana_kingdom105
Banana Kingdom is an independent studio of lilKrake, a zero-cost music producer from Taiwan, completed the first official Mixtape - "4loating Dream" with his team partner Toxik.
All the songs are recorded and mixed independently by lilKrake, with the help of several domestic and foreign Beat Makers, and the mixtape cover drawn by a friend, successfully completed this almost zero budget project.
In "4loating Dream", these nine songs use melodic rap and Emo style to express the emotions and thoughts of the two artists' experiences and mental illnesses. Starting from "Fading Out", nine songs will take you into a gloomy world.
Banana Kingdom 香蕉王國 為 lilKrake小章章 的個人獨立工作室,來自台灣的零花費音樂全製作主理人,與團隊夥伴 Toxik 共同完成了首張正式的 Mixtape - "4loating Dream",所有歌曲的錄音混音皆由 lilKrake小章章 獨立完成,加上幾位國內外 Beat Makers 的協助及朋友所繪製的封面,用貼近零成本的方式製作完成。
"4loating Dream" 中的9首歌曲以旋律饒舌及Emo的方式,饒唱出了兩人一生中因各種經歷、及精神上相關疾病所產生的各種情緒及想法。以 "Fading Out" 為此系列的開端,九首歌將帶你進入一整個陰鬱氛圍的世界。
詞 & 曲 | Lyrics & Composed by lilKrake小章章 & Toxik
錄音 | Recorded by lilKrake小章章
混音 | Mixed by lilKrake小章章 @lilkrake
母帶 | Mastered by lilKrake小章章
圖文設計 | Art Design by lilKrake小章章
封面繪製 | Cover Painted by Ilya Galayda @the_magnetic_cat
編曲 | Beat produced by RYL @rylonthebeat
.Asia Taiwan.
#WaitAMinute #Toxik #lilKrake小章章
Instagram: @lilkrake
Instagram: @toxicityishigh
Instagram: @banana_kingdom105
Youtube: lilKrake小章章
Youtube: Toxik
Facebook: LilKrake小章章 @LILkrakeNW